Sticky Keys
What are Sticky Keys?
Sticky Keys allows the user to press and release a modifier key, such as Shift, Ctrl, Alt, or the Windows Key, and have it remain active until any other key is pressed.
This allows you to type capital letters and punctuation like ? only pressing one key at a time.
How do I use Sticky Keys?
Press 'shift' once and then press a letter to type a capital. The same can be done for punctuation like ? and !
How do I turn Sticky Keys on?
Windows: Press the 'shift' key 5 times. Or go to 'Control Panel', 'Ease of Access' and click on 'Make the keyboard easier to use' and check 'Turn on Sticky Keys' and 'click OK'.
Mac OS: Go to 'System Preferences', 'Universal Access', 'Keyboard' and set 'Sticky Keys' to 'on'.
iPad: Go to 'Settings', 'Accessibility' and enable Sticky Keys. Then press Shift five times.
A Highly Accessible Touch Typing method designed for the Visually Impaired that can benefit all learners.
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